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Article 1: Introduction: A Brief History of C Programming Language

In 1963, MIT Massachusetts Institute of technology created a project named project MAC (-Multiple Access Computers, -Machine Aided Cognitions, -Man And Computer) its goal is to develop a time-sharing operating system, in other words, an operating system that can share the computing resources among multiple users, and also performs multiple tasks at the same time, MIT was able to create an operating system named Multics, cooperating with General Electric and Bell Labs.

General Electric was responsible of building the computer, while Bell Labs was responsible of creating the system’s code.

In 1969, they operated the system in a GE-645 computer, but it didn’t perform like they were anticipated to, after that, Bell Labs pulled out.

however, the project MAC wasn’t a total failure, it gave some valuable ideas, and encouraged to invest more in developing an advanced operating system.

After that, two scientists from Bell Labs, Dennis Ritchie and Ken Thompson decided to continue on their own the researches that project MAC started , they succeed to create a minimal mono user system called unics and they operated it on a PDP-7 computer.

In 1970, they were able to develop Unics to a multi-users system called Unix, it was written in language B which Ken Thompson created in 1949, it’s a typeless language, it means that it can only use characters, but they needed a more advanced and flexible language, so in 1972, Dennis Ritchie and Ken Thompson were able to create the language that was suitable for their goal, they called it C, and they wrote the Unix system in this language.

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